Total Tayangan Halaman

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

reservation and guest

Operator :good morning hotel duta, fahmi  speaking may I help you?
Chan :good morning, have you got a room for 5 people?
Operator :yes, of course
Chan :great ,we  will stay in your hotel at agust 3rd
Oprator :just a momemt please I will check……..
Chan : yes please………!!
Operator :all right sir,we have aroom for you family suitethe price of family suite is Rp.800.000 rupiah per night.whenwouldyou like to book?
Chan :deal , I want family suite for 2 day
Operator :allrightsir,would I know  your name sir?
Chan :chan
Operator :could speall it for me please?
Chan :Yes of course, c for charly, h for hotel, a for alpa, n for November.
Operator :allright mr chan, iwill repeat your order, you will check in on agust 3rd and check out agust 4rd, type of room family suite.
Chan :thank right
Operator :Any order request?
Chan : no thank
Operator :we will be waitingfor you coming
Chan : thank you
Operator :thank for calling have agood day sir

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